Effective Martial Arts Training for Winning Competitions (Part 1 – Physical Aspects)


This article provides an overview of the crucial physical attributes required for peak performance in combat sports and martial arts competitions, including Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Wushu, Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), among others.

Extensive research has underscored the key elements essential for success in martial arts and combat sports. These components encompass strength, speed, agility, power, flexibility, balance, coordination, conditioning, and effective nutrition.[1],[2] While recognizing the significance of psychological and strategic aspects, this article primarily delves into the physical facets of training, offering insight into each of these areas to help equip fighters for maximum success.


Strength: Combat sports prioritize explosive strength over muscular endurance, given the brief, high-intensity nature of bouts which can in some cases be won with a single technique. As a result, effective workouts should incorporate a variety of explosive-strength exercises. For example, vertical jumps greatly improve explosiveness more effectively than traditional deadlift-style exercises.

Speed: Swift reactions, both defensively and offensively, are highly prized in combat sports. Reaction training should ideally be undertaken in a rested state, but made to simulate scenarios similar        to actual competitive fights.[3] This might involve group work, such as hitting pads with a partner who calls out techniques in quick succession or work on light punchbags or speed bags that are designed to be struck fast and move in response to the attack.

Agility: Agility encompasses not only acceleration but also deceleration, stability, and rapid directional changes.[4] This is crucial for controlling distance and acting defensively in a fight. Therefore, training should include drills that emphasize footwork, balance, and quick shifts in direction. Some examples of these are: Jump ropes, line hops, and agility ladders.

Power: Distinguishing itself from sheer strength, striking power (or force) can be explained with the following equation: Force=Mass x Acceleration. Many martial arts and combat sports incorporate horizontal rotation techniques, optimizing both velocity and mass behind strikes. For example, the typical Karate punch emphasizes pulling the opposite hand back to the hip when striking.[5] To bolster rotational power, training exercises should emphasize extension and retraction. An example of this is a Landmine Twist, which engages both pushing and pulling motions simultaneously.

Balance: Effective balance is indispensable, facilitating technique execution, recovery, defence against attacks, and injury prevention. There are many ways to improve balance however static and semi-static exercises are typically excellent at this and are often neglected in combat sport training. Examples of these include body-awareness and stability routines like Yoga and Qigong, along with slow-motion striking practice.[6]

Flexibility: Flexibility empowers fighters to assume positions swiftly and with minimal effort, while also reducing the risk of injury. Research has shown that combining dynamic, static, and PNF (contraction/resistance) stretching yields the most substantial benefits.[7] Examples of these stretching techniques include standing leg raises (dynamic), sitting toe reaches (static), and resistance exercises, such as putting the leg on a high surface and pushing down lightly through the heel.

Coordination: Effective coordination extends beyond hand-eye synchronization, and often includes harmonizing the shoulders, hips, knees, feet among other body parts. While many typical training activities naturally enhance coordination, targeted drills can further refine this skill. For instance, pair-striking/blocking exercises (played in a game-like manner), or precision-focused focus-mitt work can enhance accuracy and coordination.

Conditioning: The outcome of longer fights often hinges on conditioning and endurance. Fighters who integrate a mix of aerobic (e.g., jogging, swimming) and anaerobic (e.g., sprints, High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT) exercises into their training regimen are likely to be better prepared for the rigors of combat sports.

Nutrition: Athletes can maximize their performance by understanding their nutritional requirements and consuming the right macronutrients. Proper nutrition supports muscle development, strength, speed, endurance, and recovery. Athletes should be mindful of their intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and hydration. Serious fighters or those that train frequently and to a high intensity should consider taking protein and creatine supplements to support muscle growth and recovery.



While success in combat sports is never guaranteed, comprehensive physical training significantly improves a fighter’s chances of triumph. Balancing training sessions to cover all the aforementioned physical aspects is essential, as individual preferences or coach bias can sometimes limit the scope of training. It is crucial, however, to maintain a holistic approach to training. By training smartly, understanding personal limitations, and acknowledging the inherent risks of combat sports, fighters can enjoy a prolonged and successful journey in the martial arts world.


Do you train all of these aspects every session? What do you need to do more of? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!



[1]Landow, L. (2016). Ultimate conditioning for martial arts. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

[2]  Seabourne, T. (1998). The martial arts athlete: Mental and physical conditioning for peak performance. Boston, MA: YMAA Publication Center.

[3] Landow, L. (2016). Ultimate conditioning for martial arts. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

[4] Miller, K. (2015, June 22). Speed, Agility and Quickness: SAQ for You. Retrieved July 2, 2019, from https://blog.nasm.org/sports-performance /speed-agility-quickness-saq/

[5] Wright, L. (2016, March 01). How to Hit Harder: The Key to Developing Maximum Power in Karate, Taekwondo and Other Martial Arts! Retrieved July 2, 2019, from https://blackbeltmag.com/arts/japanese-arts/how-to-hit-harder-the-key-to-developing-maximum-power-in-karate-taekwondo-and-other-martial-arts

[6] Chou, L., & Rothacher, K. (2005). The martial artists book of yoga. Berkeley, CA: Ulysses.

[7] Costa, P. B., Medeiros, H. B., & Fukuda, D. H. (2011). Warm-up, Stretching, and Cool-down Strategies for Combat Sports. Strength and Conditioning Journal,33(6), 71-79. doi:10.1519/ssc.0b013e31823504c9


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